
InBody 770 – Den Ultimative analyse af kropssammensætning

Betroet af topprofessionelle inden for deres felt, leverer den nøjagtige og præcise InBody 770 kropssammensætningsanalysator standarddata som procent kropsfedt, skeletmuskelmasse og basalstofskifte (BMR), plus et specialiseret Body Water Resultatark for dobbelt så mange resultater. Få avancerede indsigter fra eksklusive målinger som visceralt fedtområde, helkropsfasevinkel og reaktans.

Hvad er nyt?

InBody 770

Mål hurtigt fedtmasse, muskelmasse og kropsvandniveauer. Ingen dykning. Ingen klemming. Ingen ubehag. Du skal blot stå på enheden og holde håndelektroderne.

Kun impedans bruges til at bestemme dine kropssammensætningsresultater; ingen empiriske skøn som køn og alder bruges eller kræves til at forudsige din kropssammensætning.

Gem automatisk alle data fra InBody-enheder til Lookin’Body Web, InBody’s cloud-databasestyringssystem. Se og administrer nemt klienters resultater og følg deres fremskridt når som helst og hvor som helst.


Udforsk InBody 270

Hver InBody-test inkluderer et fuldsidet udskrift af resultatarket, som detaljerer målinger af muskler, fedt og vand samt fremhæver specifikke områder, der skal fokuseres på.

InBody 270 Højdepunkter

Segmental Lean Analyse

Få en dybdegående analyse af en persons fedtfri masse. Vurder, om en person har et tilstrækkeligt niveau af fedtfri masse i hver kropsdel (arme, ben og krop) og identificer eventuelle ubalancer mellem lemmerne.

InBody 770



Køb Inbody 770

129.995 DKK
fra pris / ex moms

Inkluderet i prisen

  • Oplæring Online
  • Support
  • 6 mdr cloud løsning eller A4 printer
  • Altid 2 års garanti
KØB nu via e-mail

Leasing Inbody 770

2.599 DKK
fra pris / ex moms per måned

Inkluderet i prisen

  • Oplæring Online
  • Support
  • 6 mdr cloud løsning eller A4 printer
  • Mulighed for frikøb ved endt leasing
lease nu via e-mail


WEIGHT RANGE: 22 – 595 lb



Laser/Ink Jet Printer, Marketing Materials

COMPATIBLE RESULT SHEETS: Body Composition, Body Water

BUILT-IN FEATURES: Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Connectivity, Touchscreen, Cloud Service, Level Indicator, Manual Weight Input and Adjustment Capability, Barcode Scanner Integration, Customer Logo, Database (Export CSV, Backup, Restore, Combine)

AGE RANGE: 3 – 150 Years

HEIGHT RANGE: 3 ft 1.4 in – 7 ft 2.6 in


DIMENSIONS: 20.7 x 33.6 x 46.3 (W x L x H): in

DATABASE: 100,000 results (if member ID is utilized)

FREQUENCIES: 1, 5, 50, 250, 500 kHz; 1 MHz

30 impedance measurements
6 frequencies at each of the
5 segments (RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL)

WARRANTY: 1-Year Manufacturer’s Warranty

STANDARD OUTPUTS: Body Composition and Body Water
Body Composition Analysis (Weight, TBW [Total Body Water], Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass, LBM [Lean Body Mass], ICW [Intracellular Water], ECW [Extracellular Water]), Body Water Composition (TBW, ICW, ECW), Muscle-Fat Analysis (Weight, SMM [Skeletal Muscle Mass], Body Fat Mass), Obesity Analysis (BMI [Body Mass Index], PBF [Percent Body Fat]), Segmental Lean Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), Segmental Body Fat Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), Segmental Body Water Analysis (Body Water, Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), Segmental ICW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), Segmental ECW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), Segmental ECW/TBW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), ECW/TBW Analysis, Body Composition History (Weight, SMM, PBF, ECW/TBW), Body Water Composition History (Weight, TBW, ICW, ECW, ECW/TBW), InBody Score, Visceral Fat Area and Level (Graph), Body Fat-Lean Body Mass Control [Body Fat Mass, LBM), Research Parameters (BMR [Basal Metabolic Rate], Arm Circumference, SMI [Skeletal Muscle Index], SMI History, Leg Lean Mass, TBW/LBM, ICW/LBM, Water Control, Blood Pressure (Systolic, Diastolic, Pulse, Mean Arterial Pressure, Pulse Pressure, Rate Pressure Product), Results Interpretation QR Code, QR Code, Segmental Phase Angle (5, 50, 250 kHz: RA, LA, Trunk, RL, LL), Whole Body Phase Angle (50 kHz: the right side of the body), Whole Body Phase Angle History, Reactance (5kHz, 50kHz, 250kHz), Impedance (Each segment and each frequency), BIVA (Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis) Graph
Blood Pressure outputs available when used in conjunction with select InBody Blood Pressure devices.
*Depending on the unit you choose, your device may not be Bluetooth-enabled. Contact your sales rep to learn more.